Monday, April 7, 2008

One More Word on Droughts: What Could Happen

Think Quest's List of the Effects of Drought


- Loss of national economic growth, slowing down of economic development
- Damage to crop quality, less food production
- Increase in food prices
- Increased importation of food (higher costs)
- Insect infestation
- Plant disease
- Loss from dairy and livestock production
- Unavailability of water and feed for livestock which leads to high livestock mortality rates
- Disruption of reproduction cycles (breeding delays or unfilled pregnancies)
- Increased predation
- Range fires and Wildland fires
- Damage to fish habitat, loss from fishery production
- Income loss for farmers and others affected
- Unemployment from production declines
- Loss to recreational and tourism industry
- Loss of hydroelectric power
- Loss of navigability of rivers and canals.


- Increased desertification - Damage to animal species
- Reduction and degradation of fish and wildlife habitat
- Lack of feed and drinking water
- Disease
- Increased predation.
- loss of wildlife in some areas and too many in others
- Increased stress to endangered species
- Damage to plant species
- Increased number and severity of fires
- Wind and water erosion of soils


- Food shortages
- Loss of human life from food shortages, heat, suicides, violence
- Mental and physical stress
- Water user conflicts
- Political conflicts
- Social unrest
- Public dissatisfaction with government regarding drought response
- Inequity in the distribution of drought relief
- Loss of cultural sites
- Reduced quality of life which leads to changes in lifestyle
- increased poverty
- Population migrations

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