Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Seismic Shift in Hollywood?

Hollywood’s Seismic Shift
Can an industry upended regain its sense?
By Rachel Abramowitz, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

“...I’m coming into the office and surfing the Web and doing crossword puzzels and reading,” says Oscar-nominated screenwriter and director Scott Frank. Pre-strike, he had his day packed to the nanosecond, writing his own scripts and doctoring others’ scripts for films rushing toward production. Lately, he’s been picketing and procrastinating. “Every time I sit down to write, I end up going online. It’s pathetic. Everybody feels totally discombobulated. It’s like the way people feel after a natural disaster. People have lost their routines around which they organize their lives.”

I found this article while perusing the LA Times and had to laugh at one writers' heightened sense of self. He compared the writers strike to an earthquake in the way that in has impacted lives. I understand that the writers strike is nothing to scoff at, but has it really reached the level where families have been uprooted, lives and livelyhoods lost? Maybe it has. Maybe the writers are so 'discombobulated' that they simply have to start over. The strike has wiped their lives clean and now the will begin anew. Let's just hope that the writing, not just the writers, is fresh.

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